Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Water is essential for keeping your body working normally. It helps you stay hydrated and removes waste. Every day, your body loses about two quarts of water when you exhale, sweat, and urinate. Physical activity, and extreme heat and humidity in the summer months, can cause you to lose even more water.
You may not always feel thirsty when you are dehydrated, so it is important to drink fluids even if you do not feel thirsty. Symptoms of dehydration include dry skin, dark-colored urine, dizziness, constipation, increased heart rate, muscle cramps and nausea.
- Drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid every day (this amount includes the water in foods and beverages).
- Water is the best fluid for hydration because it has no calories, sugar, carbonation or preservatives.
- Eat fruits and vegetables that are high in water, such as grapes, oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, apples, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber and celery.
- Limit fruit juices, sodas and fitness waters as they contain sugars that can make you feel thirstier.
- Avoid or limit coffee, tea, alcohol and soda containing caffeine – these increase urination, causing you to lose water at a faster than normal rate.
- Have a glass of water when you wake up in the morning.
- Keep a glass of water next to your bed at night.
- Carry a water bottle with you if you are away from home for long periods of time.
- Avoid the midday sun and limit physical activity when it is very hot outside.
- Schedule outdoor activities in the morning or evening.
By drinking enough fluid every day and knowing the symptoms of dehydration, you can help your body stay healthy.