Your Prescription Drug Benefits
On this page, you can find links to tools, forms, and useful information to help you stay on top of your medications. Scroll down for answers to frequently asked questions about drug benefits.
Look Up a Medication or Find a Network Pharmacy
Look Up a Medication or Find a Network Pharmacy
Manage Your Medications from Your Computer
Manage Your Medications from Your Computer
Manage Your Medications from Your Phone
Manage Your Medications from Your Phone
Note: You will need to sign up for the portal before you can use the app.

Sign Up for Mail-Order Prescriptions
Sign Up for Mail-Order Prescriptions
Medication Therapy Management Program
Medication Therapy Management Program
Prescription Drug Resources
Prescription Drug Copay Table
Drug Formulary PDF
Future Formulary Changes
Requirements and Policies
Step Therapy Requirements
Prior Authorization Requirements
Prescription Drug Transition Policy
Medicare Part D Opioid Policies
Opioid Prior Authorization Request Form
Prescription Mail-Order Form/Brochure
Request for Medicare Prescription Coverage Determination Form
Request for Medicare Prescription Coverage Redetermination Form
Frequently Asked Questions
As a rule, you must use a network pharmacy. If you think you can’t get to a network pharmacy, please call us. We may be able to find one for you nearby. Be aware that you may need to pay for the items out of pocket and be reimbursed.
There may be a rare instance when you need a medication and cannot get to a network pharmacy. Please see Chapter 5 (page 117) in your Evidence of Coverage/Member Handbook for situations when we would cover prescriptions filled at an out-of-network pharmacy.
It’s easy to find a participating pharmacy. Use the Provider and Pharmacy Search tool on this website. If you are unable to find a pharmacy using this tool, please call us, and we will help you.
Yes, you can. If you take multiple pills each day you can keep track of your doses with a pill pack. Pills are organized by day and time, so you know which to take when. If this sounds like a good way to keep track of your doses, call us. Our pharmacists can connect you with local pharmacies that can put these packs together for you at no charge.